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Pool Re-Opening Update
6/15/2020 7:24:49 AM
Governor Abbott’s June updates to his phased ‘reopening’ of Texas has allowed all outdoor swimming pools to return to 50% capacity (82 people in the Frisco Ranch pool). This is a much more reasonable hurdle we expect to be able to handle as a community. Thus, after further counsel from the Attorney, the Board has made the unanimous decision to reopen the pool. We desire to open the pool the week of 6/21; The exact date will be determined in the coming days and broadcast to the community at that time.
The Board reserves the right to close the pool at any time due to cleaning requirements, capacity issues, etc. In an effort to remain open throughout the remainder of the summer, we are asking for flexibility from all Residents as there is no blueprint on how to proceed and we are putting our best foot forward to comply with the regulations while providing pool access to the Community. Our sole goal with is to ensure we remain open the duration of the summer with no extended interruptions.
Updated Rules for the 2020 Pool Season
- Due to pool capacity concerns, there will be a limit of approximately 100 people on the pool deck (within the fenced area) at a time to ensure we abide by the 50% bather capacity order. This is a ‘first come, first serve basis’ and *WILL result in a line* during peak use (likely all weekend days for the foreseeable future). Please be prepared to wait at the entrance of the pool during high-traffic times. The capacity will be revisited as Governor Abbott adjusts limitations throughout the summer.
- NO GUESTS ALLOWED FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY AND ALL HOLIDAYS. Guests will be allowed at this time only Monday through Thursday, excluding Holidays. If we begin having capacity issues, this will be revisited as we firmly believe that paying Homeowners/ Renters should not be restricted in their pool use due to guests. The weekend/ holiday guest restriction will be revisited as capacity amounts are revised later in the summer.
- Seating will be limited this season due to social distancing requirements. It will be on a first come, first serve basis. We ask that you respect social distancing guidelines with those who are not in your immediate household.
- Party reservations have been discontinued for the remainder of the season due to capacity and liability issues.
As of now, all pool cards are turned off. No Resident/ Renter will have access to the pool until the following has occurred:
1. The attached waiver must be completed fully with all members of your household listed on the waiver. Additionally, you must input your pool card number on this waiver for activation (this is the small 8-9 digit number found on your card). For clarity, if you do not return/ complete this waiver in full, you will not be allowed in the pool and your card will remain inactive.
2. Once the waiver is complete, please email that completed form to with the subject line ‘Covid-19 Pool Waiver Attached’. If you are unable to print/ email the waiver, please drop the waiver off with Alan at the pool. Physical copies will be available at the pool for those without a printer. He will be available for waiver drop-off starting Wednesday, 6/17 through Friday 6/19 between 4p – 9p.
3. When the waiver has been returned, please wait 24 hours and then visit the pool to test your keycard access while Alan is present. The gate will remain locked unless Alan is there so you cannot test your card without Alan present. Alan will be present starting Wed, 6/17 through Friday 6/19 between 4p – 9p and Saturday 6/20 from 10a – 1p.
Once verified your keycard is working, you are ready for the pool! If you choose not/ are unable to complete step 3, there is no guarantee your pool card will be operational, and you may be denied access when you first try to visit the pool. Alan and any other staff have been instructed that under no circumstances are they to allow entry to the pool without an activated pool card due Covid-19. We will work quickly to help rectify the issue but there is no guarantee that you will be allowed in the pool that day. To avoid delays the first few weeks, please ensure you follow step 3 above.
If you need a new pool card, whether first time or replacement, please email and we can assist you in getting the proper waivers in place to provide you a pool card. There still remains a $25 fee for any replacement cards.
As always, if you have not paid your annual dues for 2020, or any previous year, your pool access will remain ‘off’ regardless of waiver completion status. With the capacity limitations this year, Homeowners who are current on dues must be prioritized. Please reach out to if you are not current. We would be happy to work with you to try to come to a resolution that results in the pool access being restored.
Thank you for your patience over the last 4 weeks and through the remainder of the summer. If there are any questions outside of the waivers, please email and we will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner.
Thank you,
Frisco Ranch Board of Directors
Click here to download and read the FRISCO RANCH Pool Release
Click here to download and read the Frisco Ranch Pool Rules 2018
Frisco Ranch HOA